Goal Setting - How to Effectively Program Your Goals |
I'm going to show you an effective goal programming technique that is used by entrepreneurs and successful business people all over the world. To do this technique, you need to be aware of your what your goals are in advance so if you aren't yet clear on them then take some time out to sit down and write out the goals you wish to achieve.
The programming of your goals should take no more than ten minutes each day, so select a time when you won't be disturbed and its also important to choose a time when you are most alert. For me, that time is in the evening between 8pm and 10pm as i'm a night person but for you it may be early in the morning or in the afternoon. Choosing the right time is important because it means you are being compatible with your energy pattern, personal psychology and daily rhythms. Some people prefer to program twice a day, but regardless of that, always program in a relaxed and unhurried state, and if you find that you miss a session every now and then, don't worry about it. If you think you might not have the time to do your programming, then don't try and squeeze it in between appointments and daily activities, just leave it till the day after. Remember, when programming you need time to ease into and ease out of the state.
Do the following programming exercise.
Begin each session by giving yourself 2-3 minutes to relax each and every muscle in your body starting from the top of your head and down to your feet. Imagine wave after wave of magnetic like relaxation flowing through each of your muscle groupings. Once you have done that, take a few moments to take several deep breaths. Hold them for a few seconds and release, allowing yourself to relax just a little bit more with each exhalation. The importance of being relaxed cannot be stressed enough, because in order for your powerful and imaginative right brain to work most effectively, the monkey chatter and thoughts of your left brain must be stilled and quieted. Once you reach the alpha-theta state, your images and words will be much more easily received and accepted to make programming even more powerful and effective.
To begin programming your first goal, always start with the feelings and excitement associated with the attainment of the goal and while maintaining the feeling, gently bring in your right brain image of the goal and allow a few moments for the image to become clearer. Next, while simultaneously holding the image of your completed goal, begin repeating an affirmation that supports the completion of the goal, for example, "I give thanks and am extremely grateful for the promotion i have just received." Allow the feelings, images and affirmations to work together in concert to attract your completed goal to you for 30 seconds, and then stop. Clear you mind and repeat the programming for that same goal once more.
Finally, go on to do the same process for each of your goals twice and the whole process should take no more than 10 minutes.
Finally, go on to do the same process for each of your goals twice and the whole process should take no more than 10 minutes.
If you make a commitment to do this exercise everyday for each goal it should take you around two weeks to create the new mental patterns needed to help you towards achieving your goals and dreams and you'll find that the old mental blocks that once hampered you are no longer present. You will be free to go forth and achieve your hearts desires unhindered by doubt and excuses.
Richard O'Neill is a TEFL Teacher and a trainee life coach who hopes to one day open his own spiritual retreat to aid others in their healing process. For some useful info and resources on meditation and how to attract abundance go to http://www.learntomanifestdesires.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_J_O'Neill |
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