Monday, July 19, 2010

How Serious Are You About Wanting to Make Money Investing in Real Estate

"Man must choose whether to be rich in things or in the freedom to use and enjoy them!"
Where do you fall on the materialistic scale? It is important to be aware of your material self. Once you understand and can manage your material self you then start to manage your money self.
Be clear on what choices you make, do your homework, be aware of how you are manipulated and divide every dollar into three parts:
a) Part to save
b) Part to spend
c) Part to give away
Don't be afraid to ASK
Nothing helps like honesty. Don't be afraid to say something wrong and stand out like a fool. Put it on the table!
Make sure that you read... knowledge helps. The more you know about the topic the greater is your comfort level. Independent people don't just run with the pack; they lead, they explore, they include and reach out across invisible boundaries and habits.
Independence is about knowing who you are, and understanding how that reality includes other people and other cultures. The more you understand that we are each a mere speck in the universe, diverse and divergent and all one, the easier it will be to navigate that life as a worldly, aware and independent person.
Are you serious about wanting to make money investing in Real Estate?
You can make a lot of money investing in income-producing property. You can also make a little money when, with some better preparation, you could have made a lot.
In real estate there is a right way and a wrong way to do most things. If you want to succeed, if you want to make money, then you have to learn how to do it the RIGHT way!
If you would rather depend on luck, then I will include a map to a casino in my next newsletter edition.
Real Estate investing is a numbers game and you need to learn how to "do the numbers". These newsletters have never been about how to make millions while starting off with no money, no credit and no time.
Instead they have been about introducing you to cash flow, rates of return, property value and various guidelines to enable you to 'read' a property's vital signs and judge its health as an investment.
Don't make a decision to buy, hold or sell a property based on emotional factors. In particular, don't buy a building because you have fallen in love with, and don't hold because of sentimental attachment when you really ought to sell. If you need that warm and fuzzy feeling, get a puppy.
The prudent investor seeks a return on investment. To achieve that return you need to look at the numbers carefully. The decision to buy and sell should be based on financial measures, on the income stream and on the return on investment that the income stream represents.
Author Brian Norton is a highly respected and astute investor, property developer, agent,auctioneer and author, Brian Norton is a Highly respected public speaker and consultant, He is an industry expert and trainer and assessor, sign up for his soon to be released book "Dare to Dream" at or through the comments section on

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